Formación inicial docente en México: hacia una caracterización del conocimiento matemático inclusivo

Formación inicial docente en México: hacia una caracterización del conocimiento matemático inclusivo

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José Marcos López-Mojica
Judith Alejandra Hernández-Sánchez
Lilia Patricia Aké-Tec
María Guadalupe Ordaz-Arjona

Teacher training is a relevant element in the training capacity of students to face the challenges demanded by today's society and also to attend to the education of students in vulnerable conditions. If we talk about the mathematics education of students with disabilities, the educational challenge is broad. For this reason, it reflects on the presence of inclusion in the training of mathematics teachers in Mexico; this through research that the authors have carried out on the study plans that form them. Also, more generally, the need to characterize inclusive mathematical knowledge is exposed; discussing before a possible interpretation of the notion of inclusion in mathematics education. The reflections generated from this review suggest that the presence of inclusion in the careers that train future mathematics teachers in Mexico is incipient. In addition to the need to establish a category of analysis for inclusive mathematical knowledge; here is a first approach to its structure. This Pacheco-Carrascal, N. (2016). La motivación y las matemáticas. ECO MATEMATICO7(1), 149–158 includes tasks for the development of mathematical thinking based on diversity in the classroom and teaching alternatives that recognize and identify the cognitive processes of children with disabilities. We consider that delving into this category could influence the curricula entrusted to train future mathematics teachers, taking into account the new policies of inclusive education in the world; This will contribute to the diversification of teaching processes, promoting an inclusive mathematics classroom.


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