Revista Científica Profundidad Construyendo Futuro

ISSN: 2422-1783

ISSN: 2422-2518 (En línea)



Estudiante Ana Maria Sierra Martínez1

Estudiante Diana Marcela Guzmán Espitia2

Leida Yamile Velásquez Camacho3

Recibido: 5 de marzo de 2016 Aceptado: 12 de mayo de 2016


El presente trabajo de investigación da a conocer cuáles son las causas que generan la ausencia de la enseñanza de las áreas inglés y tecnología e informática en los estudiantes de algunas Instituciones Educativas del sector rural de Pacho Cundinamarca, esta idea de investigación nace al reconocer la influencia de estos dos aspectos en la actualidad y el poco interés que aquí se ha dado. Al conocer la situación presentada con anterioridad se da paso a la creación y desarrollo de una propuesta innovadora para la enseñanza de estas dos áreas mediante la implementación de estrategias pedagógicas que permitan al estudiante interactuar directamente con el inglés y la informática creando así una experiencia de aprendizaje significativo. Pensando en hacer de este un trabajo investigativo de calidad se optó por el enfoque cuantitativo y la investigación acción participativa que fue aplicada a los estudiantes de grado segundo y tercero de la Institución Educativa Departamental Aquileo Parra sede rural La Cabrera; como resultados parciales se ha evidenciado que los estudiantes han tomado conciencia que estas dos áreas al igual que las demás tienen importancia en el desarrollo del estudiante y que no debe ser ni el contexto ni los recursos impedimento para aprenderlas.

Palabras clave: Enseñanza, Estrategia Pedagógica, inglés, Propuesta Innovadora, Tecnología y Zona rural


The present research project reveals the causes that generate the absence of the teaching of English and technology and informatics in the students of some Educational Institutions of the rural sector of Pacho Cundinamarca, this idea of investigation was born when recognizing the influence of These two aspects nowadays and the little interest that has been given here. To know the situation presented previously gives way to the creation and development of an innovative proposal for teaching these two areas through the implementation of pedagogical strategies that enable the student to interact directly with the English and computing, thus creating a significant learning experience. Thinking about making this a quality investigative work, we opted It has been chosen for the quantitative approach and the participatory action research that was applied to the second and third grade students of the I.E.D Aquileo Parra rural headquarter “La Cabrera”; As partial results it has been shown that the students have become aware that these two areas like the others are important in the student's development and should not be neither the context nor the resources impediment to learn them.

Keywords:Teaching, Pedagogical Strategy, English, Innovative Proposal, Technology, Rural zone.


This research seeks to identify the main causes that prevent rural students from receiving the same “academic training” as students in the urban sector; the lack of equity here is evident, even though the Ministry of Education presents a series of guidelines and standards for certain areas which are considered mandatory. In some cases, rural education institutions are not fully complied with,which make their modifications by subtracting time and dedication to areas that they consider minor to give priority to those they see as indispensable, ignoring that the absence of their teaching can stumble students in the future.

As the years go by, different methodologies are created to explain a topic to a certain group, these ways of teaching are taken into account in some institutions but not in others, the most obvious causes of rejection or poor acceptance of the methodologies are because they do not They believe it is necessary or convenient, also because it brings more work for the teacher and this has established a mechanism that yielded results years ago, in short, there are quite a few situations that have been found throughout the investigation and these will be announced during the document development.

It is no secret to anyone that all research stems from an interest in a subject, and here is a case that without knowing it affects the future not only of the educational community of the village of La Cabrera, because although it is true the study was conducted in this population but it is a problem that is lived in different corners of the country and the world in general; The idea here is to clarify why and raise how the situation can be treated so that students can receive the necessary teaching in the areas of English, technology and computer science in an innovative way always thinking of reaching everyone in the best way.

So that the reader of this document feels more contextualized withthe process that was carried out, we commented that after identifying the problem through direct observation of the group, a group diagnosis was given which helped a lot because here He met the student, his previous knowledge and his expectations regarding the areas to work during the development of the project, at the same time a diagnosis of the context was made (Institution); afterward, some goals were established which were intended to reach for that, the needs and interests of the student, the teachergroup director, the approach of the institution and the diversity of available resources were taken into account, in short, everything A series of steps were developed (hypothesis creation, data collection, gathering of various sources of information on the subject, etc....) that yielded some results and these were taken into account to create and develop a way of teaching English and technology that seeks to be innovative and convincing enough to be welcomed in the context that has been working.

As mentioned above, the goal or objective sought is to create and develop an innovative proposal for teaching English and computer science to primary school students in rural education, with the use of technology and materials as support instruments recyclable For that to be fulfilled, it is essential to set specific objectives which will accompany and facilitate the course of this work; implement pedagogical strategies, among them the use of audiovisual tools, ICTs, group work and manual work for teaching the areas to be treated. In order for these strategies to be developed, it is vitally important to enable a space in the educational institution where students can interact directly with English and computer science, thus creating meaningful learning through experience, at the end of the process it is sought to present a deliverable by that is going to elaborate a teaching book which will serve as a teaching tool, taking into account the needs found in the context.


The research that was worked here has a qualitative approach, it is clear that it is through qualitative research that more information can be obtained on the subject, since here it is not only based on quantities but also testimonies, experiences, etc., are also received. Well, Blasco and Pérez (2007: 25) say that “qualitative research studies reality in its natural context and how it happens, taking out and interpreting phenomena according to the people involved.

It uses a variety of instruments to collect information such as observation, field diaries, researcher's diary, interview, surveys, life stories, in which routines and problematic situations are described, as well as the meanings in the participants' lives”. This process allows the construction of a real diagnosis.

Now the type of research that was applied was the “participatory action” presented by James McKernan (1999) as “a process of reflection, whereby in a given problem area, it is desired to improve the practice or personal understanding, the professional in practice and this conducts a study first, to clearly define the problem; second, to specify an action plan; An evaluation is then undertaken to verify and establish the effectiveness of the action taken. Finally, participants reflect, explain the progress and communicate these results to the community of action researchers. Action research is a self-reflective scientific study of professionals to improve practice”.

That is what we want to “improve” to be able to move forward in this world that demands us a lot every day, as aresearch group first a detailed observation of a certain population was made; for that it is essential to have the active participation of the educational community all this is to fulfill a certain purpose that seeks a benefit for the student population.

The people who participated in this study were the second and third grade elementary students belonging to the Institución Educativa DepartmentalAquileo Parra,La CabreraRural headquartersMunicipality of Pacho Cundinamarca.

Within the limitations that were presented, we can mention that when English, technology and computer classes began, some students did not have an interest in these areas for the reason that they were not being taught very frequently, but others did have an interest in they; at the time of the recreational activities it seemed very interesting, but at the time of the theoretical for them everything was very boring and sometimes they did nothing in that part of the activity.

There was little interest in someparents; This came to be known because by leaving one as an activity to develop at home, parents did not require their children to do the work and they also did not provide a collaboration to make possible the development of the task, for this reason, thestudents They were very discouraged to do their jobs.

Another inconvenience was with one of the teachers who, at the time of starting the class in the English area as a bachelor student in children's pedagogy, took a different methodology, at the time the teacher interrupted the class by thinking that she was not Doing the right thing explained to him what the activity consisted of, but he didn't let her do it, giving instructions at a time where he demanded to change what was proposed for each of theactivities.

The tools that were used were: the observation, field diaries, the researcher's diary, life stories, an interview with a teacher belonging to the Educational Institution and another teacher external to it, a survey was also carried out on the students where it was possible see reflected aspects such as the taste for English and technology, their knowledge on the subject, among others.

Within the consultations on the subject, it is worth highlighting authors who took as a reference point postulated as that of Noam Chomsky who states that “The acquisition of language during childhood can occur thanks to the ability of human beings to recognize and assimilate the basic language structure, structure that constitutes the essential root of any language. Children have the innate ability to understand the grammar of language, which they develop through their experiences and learning. Regardless of your family or cultural context.

Also present was Krashen who believes that there are two systems foracquiring a second language acquisition and learning; for him “the acquisition” is an automatic process that develops at the level of the subconscious, due to the need for communication, there is no conscious effort on the part of the individual or an emphasis on the formal aspect of the language, but if on the communicative act. For the acquisition to occur, a great interaction of the individual with the language is necessary. While "learning" is a conscious process, due to the formal knowledge of the language to be acquired. Through this learning the individual has the ability to explain the grammar rules in the target language. The learning situation would contribute only to give a little fluent speech, since the individual would be more concerned with the way the message is transmitted.

Regarding the importance of teaching technology and information technology, Mr. Joaquín Barragán Sánchez in his document “Integration of technology in the teaching-learning process” says that: “The integration of technology into the teaching-learning process should not be a fashion, an offer promoted by technology manufacturers or as something temporary and inconsequential. The use of technology, by itself, does not solve the problems of education, although its usecan contribute to evidence, seek alternatives and promote new teaching-learning situations. With the integration of technology, the teaching-learning process would be transformed. Technology must be a source of access to knowledge and research and practice activities in the educational community. The integration of technology will allow the student to successfully face their personal, academic and professional life.

In the course of the development of the research, we always sought to reach a point where students saw and raised awareness of the importance of learning English and technology and how these areas contributed to the conservation of the environment, so each of the activities were developed with materials that they no longer used in their homes and that for us was our raw material.


After making a group diagnosis (Fig. 1 and 2) it was determined that students were not adequately providing the teaching of two compulsory areas such as foreign language and technology and computer science, this situation should be solved as soon as possible.

Figure 1: TECHNOLOGY AND INFORMATICS: Troubleshooting with technology, Third indicator


Figure 2: ENGLISH: Third indicatorSource: self-made.


When implementing the teaching of these twoareas using recyclable and technological resources, great interest was evidenced by the students (Fig. 3); Due to this interest, the thematic contents have been able to be delivered effectively.

Students have become aware that these two areas, like the others, are of great importance in the development of each person and therefore should not be overlooked in the school calendar.

Figure 3: Teaching English, technology and computer science


The advancement of student knowledge in these two areas has been remarkable; as classes have developed in different ways, they keep in mind the experiences that these classes have left them.


An activity was carried out to obtain results consistent with the context being treated and thus know with certainty the knowledge of each student, here it was observed that they did not know much about the area of English and computer science, that is why it was concluded that in the IED Aquileo Parra La Cabrera Headquarters are definitely not strengthening student performance in these two areas, one of the causes may be the lack of a trained teacher for each of these, another obvious cause is that these two subjects have been downplayed in rural areas..

Based on these areas, activities were carried out with recyclable materials explaining each of the basic subjects of English and computer science, here the tasks were carried out with recyclable materials where the students also had better knowledge at the time of their realization and also understood each one of the exposed topics.

With the materials that were being made, a place was adapted for each student to interact with each of the materials to analyze it and at the same time learn English as pronounced as the operation of the computer is written on the other hand; It is very important to keep in mind that we must always adapt the classroom so that students feel comfortable and are interested in each of these areas because it is a good motivation for them in their learning process.


In the development of this project, students, parents and teachers of the Institución Educativa Departamental Aquileo Parra La Cabrera Rural headquarter, have been raised about the influence of English and computer education today.

The active participation of the children of this institution has facilitated the way to raise awareness of the elementary issues of these two areas, the fact of sharing their experiences in class with their family (and at the same time thesupport they provide them) has demonstrated that progress is being made on the subject.

On the other hand, the project has had the acceptance and support of the classroom teacher who today still allows the development of activities with students. At the same time, the teacher in charge of the seedbed is working hand in hand with this research group making the appropriate correction and providing the necessary guidance in the process.


Adquisición de una segunda lengua. (Texto en línea) Teoría de Krashen. En línea. Disponible en:

Barragán Sánchez, Joaquín. (Documento PDF) Integración de tecnología en el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje. En línea. Disponible en:

Cerda Gutiérrez, Hugo Cómo elaborar proyectos: Diseño, ejecución y evaluación de proyectos sociales y educativos. Bogotá: Cooperativa Editorial Magisterio, 2003 Pág. 29-44

Cumilaf, David Quidel; Rojas, Juan del Valle; López, Lissette Arévalo; Chihuaicura, Catherine Ñancucheo; Neira, Ramón Ortiz.La enseñanza del idioma inglés a temprana edad: su impacto en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes de escuelas públicas,(2014). Revista de Comunicación Vivat Academia., Nº129 pp 34-56.

Recuperado de:

Equipo de trabajo de la Oficina de Planeación Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Medellín, Guía Para la formulación deproyectos Considerando la metodología Del banco de proyectosde la Universidad nacional de Colombia (bpun), Noviembre 2007 Pág. 44 . En línea:

McKernan, James. Investigación –acciçon y curriculum. Ediciones Morata., S.L. (1999). En línea. Disponible en:

1. Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios “UNIMINUTO”,Semillero de investigación: Pedagogía Infantil UR3 UNIMINUTO "Recicla, reduce y reutiliza"Dirección Ave 15 Número 1 -22 Barrio la Fraguita,Zipaquirá, Colombia, Correo:

2. Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios “UNIMINUTO”,Semillero de investigación: Pedagogía Infantil UR3 UNIMINUTO "Recicla, reduce y reutiliza"Dirección Ave 15 Número 1 -22 Barrio la Fraguita,Zipaquirá, Colombia, Correo:

3. Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios “UNIMINUTO”,Semillero de investigación: Pedagogía Infantil UR3 UNIMINUTO "Recicla, reduce y reutiliza"Dirección Ave 15 Número 1 -22 Barrio la Fraguita,Zipaquirá, Colombia, Correo: