Revista Científica Profundidad Construyendo Futuro
ISSN: 2422-1783
ISSN: 2422-2518 (En línea)
Recibido: 8 de febrero de 2016 Aceptado: 20 de marzo de 2016
Lasorganizaciones del siglo XXI exigen de sus gerentes capacidades para afrontar los retos de una competencia en un mundo cambiantede aquí que surjanconstantes y diversas maneras acerca dela forma encomo prestamos los servicios actualmente y cómo atendemos a una clientela en su mayoría de la generación del milenio; los gerentes de las organizaciones del siglo XXI dirigen las empresas en una sociedaden constante cambio, como crear capital intelectual y mejor cómo retenerlo en las organizaciones se convierte en una de las principales decisiones que los gerentes deben tomar en un mundo empresarial en donde la única constante es el cambio.
Palabras clave: cambio, capital intelectual, gerencia; organización inteligente
The organizations of the 21st century demand from their managers capacities to face the challenges of a competition in a changing world from here that they arise constantly andin different ways about the way in which we currently provide services and how we serve a majority of the clients millennium generation; The managers of the organizations of the 21st century direct the companies in a society in constant change, how to create intellectual capital and better how to retain it in the organizations becomes one of the main decisions that the managers must take in a business world where the only constant is the change.
Keywords:Change, Capital intellectual, intelligent organization management
We are drowning in information, but eager for knowledge. John Naisbitt –Philosopher
Are we preparing managers for today's world?
The challenges of today's world
It is necessary to recognize that we are living in a world where the only constant changes, therefore, it is impossible for organizations to pretend to manage themselves as in the past, absorbed in their capacities, with their backs to the reality of the current world .l.
Characteristics of today's worldWe are in the century of knowledge, the world today is being dominated by people interested in acquiring knowledge and developing knowledge, as a logical consequence of this we find a more accelerated human development in our societies; very young people but who already have not only a disciplinary training, but also have master's degrees anddoctorates, who owns the information dominates the world.
The illiterate of the 21st centuryWe are being increasingly influenced by technology and communications, technology came into our lives to change it; Of course, new professionals are no longer given disciplinary knowledge tools in word processor management, spreadsheets, and reporting tools in their training.Today's organizations require that the professionals come to the labor market with this knowledge. The illiterate of the 21st century is no longer the person who cannot read and write, if not the one who does not master information systems, technology, but also masters a second language, preferably English.
Environmental awarenessUntil not less than fifteen years ago, those who talked about the environment were considered eccentric and in some cases, they were branded as insane, today the environment worries us all, the insane and the eccentric achieved the miracle of making humanity aware whole; although the eternal struggle between capital,industrialization and the environment persists in certain cases, at least now we can agree on certain aspects (pollutant emissions, pollution levels among others). Today we can say that the current generation is green.
Economic and political environmentImpossible to try to manage current organizations with their backs to what is happening in the world of politics and the economy, in the past it was thought that we should divorce political decisions until we realized that the decisions made in the political environment they affect the economy and therefore organizations and companies, however today the states are more community, more concerned with closing the poverty gaps and access to basic services.
Influence of time and moneyAll the inhabitants of this world of today live framed, in a Cartesian plane of two axes, on the one hand, the time, and on the other the money, all our activities, our life revolves framed in these two axes, in the time and money, we find then people who have all the money in the world, but don't have time,on the other hand, there are human beings with all the time in the world but without money, and almost all of them trying to make our time to get money. For this kind of people those who debate between the time and money thatcompanies offer products and services. And this is where the research and development processes become even more valid.
Little or no brand loyaltyAnother paradigm that the current world collapsed was brand loyalty, today there is little or no loyalty to brands, this is caused by the premise that no product can compete in today's world without quality, that is, we no longer acquire products for being of quality, because all the products that go out to the current market have implicit quality, today we buy for the price and for what the product is capable of making.
The generation of APPSWe are the generation of APPS, if we are increasingly influenced by applications, and it is unavoidable that our technological communication tools (mobile or Smartphone) are not only to communicate but instead became entertainment centers, our daily life is guided by applications, applications for everything, to know the weather, to guide us, to teach us English, for music, for videos, Which and how many applications do you have? Do you already have this application? Have you imagined a day without WhatsApp? Anyway, what would be the current world of technology and communications, without the APPS?
The fearless generationThere is no doubt that we are living with a generation that faces the challenges of life without fear, comparing the generation called The Millennium Generation, also known as 'millennial', and which is formed by all those young people who came to their adult lives with the turn of the century, that is to say in the year 2000. Previous generations are at a disadvantage, the one that gives,the fact that everything in the world today is immediate; Internet, mobile and ‘apps’, social networks... are natural tools for these young people in their daily lives: they buy, make transactions, share products and services. It is a way of life that makesthe market more global. According to Accenture, 94% of young people in the millennium are users of online banking and, beyond that, seven out of every 10 millennial Americans use mobile banking services, according to Federal Reserve data.
They are addicted to mobile phones and technologies, with an average of three to seven hours a day hooked to these devices (according to studies by Nominalia and TNS, which is causing diseases called millennial origin (visual fatigue among others); These are the clients and users of the companies of the 21st century and it is for this kind of generation that we must prepare the management and our organizations.
This has forced organizations to become learning companies, in a way we have had to recognize influenced by the above that institutions must have a constant learning process
What is a learning organization?
For Simons (1995: 275, cit. By Villa and Solabarrieta, 2000: 600) an organization that learns is "an organization that helps extend and relate the learning and learning skills of individuals, groups and organization as a whole in order to continually change at all three levels in the direction they live and towards the wishes and possible needs of customers ".
Sattelgerg (1996:60, cit in Recio. 2000: 570) defines the organization that learns as one “that facilitates the learning of all its members and that transforms itself continuously” taken from http: //web.salesianos-sevilla .com / Files / Attachments / Contents, and according to the authors, the organizations of the 21st century should facilitate the learning of all its members, to achieve the transformation of the organization itself, let's imagine that all our companies, (Drucker, PF (1992) The New Society of organizations. Harvard Business Review.) Will have all the staff with specializations or masters, do not forget that already the professionals of the 21st century as we mentioned earlier, in addition to the own disciplinary training, they must perfect their training with pre-knowledge, as required by today's world framed by technology and communications this obviously enriches the organizations of which they are part.
What are the characteristics of the organizations that learn?
Simons (2000) states the main characteristics of the organizations that learn:
• There is a culture towards homework, coexisting with a culture of learning;
• The prevalence of norms and values is favored as well as the implementation of innovations.
• Work is organized around the work process.
• Multidimensional teams make up the structure of the organization.
• There is an atmosphere of cooperation between departments that "have flexible walls".
• It is delegated to employees, in an organization where decentralization prevails, with a balance between experimentation and safety.
• There is a clear organizational strategy that can, however, be easily changed when needed.
• Change and learning leadership is valued and developed.
• There is an extensive information system
- easy accessibility feedback for all involved.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the commitment of senior management to promote and recognize that within the organization, human beings coexist, as human capital is recognized since the past, as the main “organizational asset.”
The Human Capital
In good time the owners of the productive units began to realize that the most important thing within the organization was not the furniture, nor the computer equipment, it was recognized since the last century that the main asset of the organization was the HUMAN CAPITAL, the road was difficult at first it was believed that only the chiefs could be formed, until the owners of capital and the new society accepted that progress was not focused on technology but that it is in the human mind. That is why today in companies there are training and education plans not only in the discipline but in the humanistic, the relationships between these people that make up the human capital of the organization can mark the progress of the organization because all they have common goals. The intellectuality of the members of the institution elevates the organizational culture and generates perhaps something more valuable for the current organizational world, the intellectual capital.
Intellectual capital
In past times it was believed that wealth was concentrated in the owners of the land, then in the owners of the means of production, in the capital, it is now recognized that organizations in addition to the means of production and financial capital; They have intellectual capital. This intellectual human capital has generated a trend in modern organizations and is the focus on generating value. Edvinsson, L., Malone, M. (1997) Intellectual Capital. New York.
Companies that have intellectual capital are capable of generating competitive advantages faster than their competition, in the current organizations the meetings of committees to solve problems were changed, for meetings of intellectual capital of intelligent professionals capable of generating intelligent strategies that not only solutions problems if not to guide the institution in the construction of the intelligent path that leads to becoming intelligent organizations, (Editorial Norma. Colombia. Flores, Pedro. (2013) Intellectual capital: Concepts and tools;The aforementioned accompanied by an application of knowledge management, which allows documenting and preserving intellectual production, supported by technology, do not forget that at the organizational level knowledge cannot remain in the celebration of the professional, but is an organizational asset called Intellectual capital. (ITESM. Nonaka, Ikujiro; Nonaka, Ikujiro; Takeuchi, Hirotaka. (2009).The knowledge creation organization. Oxford Mexico).So the most important challenge of the managers of the 21st century and all the current efforts of the intelligent organization is how to retain and motivate their most precious asset intellectual capital.
Simons (1995:275, cit. por Villa y Solabarrieta, 2000:600) Organizaciones que aprenden.
Sattelgerg (1996:60, cit en Recio.2000:570) Organizaciones que facilitan el aprendizaje
Booth, Robert (1998) The measurement of intangible assets. Management accounting. EUA. Chávez, Javier; MotaCarlos; Alvarado Gabriela. (1999) El cambio;Drucker, P.F. (1992) The New Society of organizations. Harvard Business Review.Edvinsson, L., Malone, M. (1997) Intellectual Capital. New York: Harper. Edvinsson, Leif; Editorial Norma. Colombia. Flores, Pedro. (2001) Capital intelectual: Conceptos y herramientas. ITESM. Nonaka, Ikujiro; Nonaka, Ikujiro; Takeuchi, Hirotaka. (2009) La organización creadora de conocimiento. Oxford.. conocimiento.html. Conceptos de gestión del conocimiento. Fecha de consulta: mayo 2013. capitalintelectual.html. Conceptos de capital intelectual. Fecha de consulta: mayo 2013.
1. Docente de posgrados Corporación Universitaria Minutode Dios,Uniminuto, miembrode Grupo GIDTI investigación Uniminuto.Calle 28 # 23-75, BarrioAlarcón, Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia, Correo:
2. Docente de posgrados Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, Uniminuto, miembro de Grupo GIDTI investigación Uniminuto.Calle 28 # 23-75, Barrio Alarcón, Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia, Correo:
3. Docente de posgrados Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, Uniminuto, miembro de Grupo GIDTI investigación Uniminuto.Calle 28 # 23-75, Barrio Alarcón, Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia, Correo:
4. Coordinador de posgrados CorporaciónUniversitaria Minutos de Dios, Uniminuto, miembro de Grupo GIDTI investigación Uniminuto.Calle 28 # 23-75, Barrio Alarcón, Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia, Correo: