1Magíster en Educación Matemática, angelo.soto@unipamplona.edu.co ,ORCID 0000-0001-5093-0183 Universidad de Pamplona, Pamplona, Colombia.
2Magister en Ingeniería Biomédica luis.mendoza@unipamplona.edu.co ,ORCID 0000-0002-2012-9448 Universidad de Pamplona, Pamplona, Colombia.
3* Doctor en Ciencias byronmedina@ufps.edu.co ,ORCID 0000-0003-0754-8629 Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander, Cúcuta, Colombia.
How to cite:
A. Soto-Vergel, L. Mendoza y B. Medina-delgado, “Analysis of energy and major components in chromatographic signals for the diagnosis of prostate cancer”. Respuestas, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 76-85, 2019.
Received on May 25, 2018; Approved on October 15, 2018
The prostate exam is an early detection tool to prevent prostate cancer and the main diagnostic tools for obtaining signs are generally invasive. This article tries chromatographic signals from the urine of prostate cancer patients and control patients as a non-invasive examination proposal. For this purpose, methodologically, urine samples are taken, digitized in chromatograms, treated with mathematical techniques and classified. The mathematical techniques are time normalization, dead time elimination, baseline correction, noise elimination, and peak alignment. Classification techniques analyze energy, in the domain of time and frequency, and the main components in sedimentation graphs and scores. As a result, the chromatographic signal is characterized and identifies the characteristic curve that represents the signal of prostate cancer patients and control patients. The data structure shows a cluster distribution of 88.88% of the vectors for the control patients. In the case of prostate cancer patients, the distribution of data is in clusters around the area defined by control patients. This characterization demarcates signal classification regions to diagnose possible prostate cancer patients, validating the relationship between the chromatographic signal and cancer.
Keywords:Energy analysis, Principal component, analysis, Prostate cancer, Chromatography, Signal processing.
El examen de próstata es una herramienta de detección temprana para prevenir el cáncer de próstata y los principales instrumentos diagnósticos para obtener indicios son generalmente invasivos. Este artículo analiza señales cromatográficas provenientes de la orina de pacientes con cáncer de próstata y pacientes control como propuesta de examen no invasivo. Para tal efecto, metodológicamente, se toman muestras de orina, se digitalizan en cromatogramas, se tratan con técnicas matemáticas y se clasifican. Las técnicas matemáticas son normalización de tiempo, eliminación del tiempo muerto, corrección de línea base, eliminación de ruido y alineación de picos. Las técnicas de clasificación analizan la energía, en el dominio del tiempo y frecuencia, y los componentes principales en gráficas de sedimentación y puntuaciones. Como resultado se caracteriza la señal cromatográfica e identifica la curva característica que representa la señal de los pacientes con cáncer de próstata y pacientes control. La estructura de los datos muestra una distribución de conglomerado, del 88,88 % de los vectores, para los pacientes control. Para el caso de los pacientes con cáncer de próstata la distribución de los datos es en conglomerados alrededor de la zona delimitada por los pacientes control. Esta caracterización demarca regiones de clasificación de señales para diagnosticar posibles pacientes con cáncer de próstata, validando la relación existente entre la señal cromatográfica y el cáncer.
Keywords:Análisis de energía, Análisis de componentes principales, Cáncer de próstata, Cromatografía, Procesamiento de señales.
Prostate cancer is one of the cancers that most affects the male gender today; more than 5% of every million people are affected by this disease; In addition, the early detection tools available to prevent it and the main diagnostic instruments to obtain evidence are generally invasive, with the rectal examination and serum concentration of the specific prostate antigen being the best known. In this sense, [1] identified factors that may be related to the non-performance of the exam such as: fear of cancer, shame, discomfort, pain, low educational level, disinformation of the exam, distrust of medical professionals and concern that the rectal touch may affect masculinity; factors that are expected to be mitigated with this research, taking advantage of the increasing use of new technologies, where applications have been developed to improve health conditions worldwide [2], seeking to make the procedures as effective and as invasive as possible.
Computer-assisted diagnostic systems, which use signal processing techniques, have been widely used to diagnose diseases such as upper limb sarcopenia [3], cardiovascular diseases [4], [
5], Parkinson [6] - [8], to mention a few. Likewise, prostate cancer has also been tried to diagnose using image processing techniques from the chemical treatment of a biopsy [9], [10]; others have used machine learning techniques to improve the validity of the diagnosis [11], [12], however, the method remains invasive in obtaining the sample for the analysis of the information contained therein.
However, it is possible to obtain information on prostate cancer non-invasively through chromatography, a procedure defined as the method by which chemical components are separated from a sample, which is represented by a one-dimensional signal with which it is possible to analyze delay, energy or concentration times; allowing the qualitative and quantitative identification of chemical components based on their distribution for characterization [13].
As presented, this article tries urine samples from a chromatographic process to obtain one-dimensional signals, analyzes the differentiating characteristics by applying signal processing techniques and identifies whether the signal corresponds to a patient with prostate cancer or a control patient (no prostate cancer).
Processing techniques for the characterization of chromatographic signals include time normalization, dead time elimination, baseline correction, noise elimination, signal alignment, energy analysis for feature extraction and principal component analysis for classification.
This document presents the materials and methods, describing the methodology implemented and exposes the results obtained with their respective analyses.
Figure 1 shows the research methodology implemented in the sampling stages, database consolidation, signal conditioning using mathematical processing techniques and chromatogram classification.
This section is structured based on the methodology of Figure 1, presents the results of the processing of chromatographic signals from urine samples and exposes its analysis.
The sequence of the mathematical techniques of signal processing applied to the chromatograms improved the signal-to-noise ratio is 37.67% for control patients, and in 57.55% for patients with prostate cancer. This improvement contributes to the accuracy in the identification of peaks and valleys, the analysis of the energy and main components.
The sedimentation graph has a unique behavior of the main components corresponding to control patients and prostate cancer patients, validating the energy analysis of the peaks of each signal in the time domain as a differentiating factor.
In the score graph, the structure of the data shows a cluster distribution of 88.88% of the vectors for the control patients. The data representing 11.11% is considered atypical and involves an error in the inclusion of the chromatogram in the control group, which could be presented in the urine sample. In the case of prostate cancer patients, the distribution of the data is uniform in three groups of 33.33% of the vectors around the area defined by the control patient vectors. This representation delimits signal classification regions to diagnose possible prostate cancer patients.
The results show evidence to apply the extraction of significant peaks, as a pattern extraction technique and to find other characteristics that differentiate and accentuate the classification of chromatograms of prostate cancer patients and control patients.
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