1Ingeniera Civil, mgarcia11@upc.edu.co ,ORCID 0000-0002-8301-9609, Universidad Piloto de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia
2Ingeniero Civil, caldana53@upc.edu.co, ORCID 0000-0002-4733-1806, Universidad Piloto de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia.
3Ingeniero Civil,, alopez77@upc.edu.co, , ORCID 0000-0001-7603-6315, Universidad Piloto de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia
3Ph.D. en Geotecnia, juan.ruge@unimilitar.edu.co, ORCID 0000-0002-9100-6058, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Bogotá, Colombia.
3Ph.D en Ing. de Estructuras, Cimentaciones y Materiales, eliana-martinez@unipiloto.edu.co, ORCID 0000-0002-5092-5920 , Universidad Piloto de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia.
How to cite:
: M. García, C. Aldana, A. Lopez, J. Ruge and E. Martinez, “Measurement of hydraulic conductivity under horizontal paths in granular soils”. Respuestas, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 92-101, 2019
SciencesReceived on March 20, 2018 - Approved on July 17, 2018
In geotechnical structures, the permeability-dependent stability analysis is generally evaluated under vertical trajectories, because most permeameters are configured so that the water passes through the porous medium in this way. However, it is clear from the physical point of view that water can flow along different paths, including preferential ways that can include horizontal trajectories, parallel to the deposit of the stratum. The foregoing implies that both the vertical and horizontal component of the hydraulic conductivity or permeability coefficient must be estimated for a given stratum. The current research aims to explore possibilities for measuring the coefficient of permeability in horizontal trajectories, on granular soils, under a constant condition of relative density. For this purpose, a special chamber attached to a constant head permeameter was designed and constructed, which allows to measure the permeability in conditions of horizontal flow parallel to the soil layers. The proposed camera also admits the estimation of the permeability coefficient by combining stratifications of different granular soils, where the trajectories are not perfectly horizontal, but have diagonal paths. The results are compared with data obtained by conventional vertical flow permeameters, in order to check the difference in the measurements considering both situations in the samples. As a conclusion, it is important to report that there is evidently a difference in the permeability coefficients measured under different trajectories
Keywords:Hydraulic conductivity, Horizontal flow, Constant head, permeameter, Permeability
En las estructuras geotécnicas generalmente el análisis de estabilidad dependiente de la permeabilidad, es evaluado bajo trayectorias verticales, debido a que la mayoría de permeámetros están configurados para que el agua atraviese de esta manera el medio poroso. No obstante, es claro desde el punto de vista físico que el agua puede fluir siguiendo diferentes caminos, entre ellos recorridos preferenciales que pueden incluir trayectorias horizontales paralelas a la depositación del estrato. Lo anterior implica que se debe estimar para un estrato, tanto la componente vertical, como horizontal de la conductividad hidráulica o coeficiente de permeabilidad. En la investigación actual se pretende explorar posibilidades de medición del coeficiente de permeabilidad en trayectorias horizontales, en suelos granulares, bajo una condición constante de densidad relativa. Para ello se diseñó y construyó una cámara especial adosada a un permeámetro de cabeza constante, que permite medir la permeabilidad en condiciones de flujo horizontal paralelo a los estratos. La cámara propuesta admite también, la estimación del coeficiente de permeabilidad combinando estratificaciones de diferentes suelos granulares, donde las trayectorias no son perfectamente horizontales, sino presentan recorridos diagonales. Los resultados son comparados con datos obtenidos mediante permeámetros convencionales de flujo vertical, con el fin de comprobar la diferencie en las mediciones considerando ambas situaciones en las muestras. Como conclusión generar es importante reportar que evidentemente existe una diferencia en los coeficientes de permeabilidad medidos bajo diferentes trayectorias.
Keywords:Conductividad hidráulica, Flujo horizontal, Permeámetro de cabeza, constante, Permeabilidad
Although the phenomenon of permeability is widely studied within a conceptual framework, as observed in the current state of the art, because measurements of hydraulic conductivity are fully established for most porous materials. There are certain knowledge gaps that need to be filled. Among them, the estimation of the coefficient of permeability starts from different trajectories or preferential paths than the fluid (water), which has been theoretically evidenced, but empirical studies that demonstrate these distinctions are still scarce. For this reason, nowadays research based on estimating the permeability of a soil is directed to the application of modern theories to solve stochastically or numerically how it permeates water through a porous structure or in the research of new materials.
This research seeks by means of the design and construction of a special chamber, the measurement of the coefficient of permeability of granular soils considering different trajectories to the vertical, which has been during the time the standard parameter measured in most of the studies. The chamber will be adapted to an existing permeameter that uses the constant head method to induce water infiltration into the soil[1]. The samples were prepared for a constant void ratio, close to the minimum, in order to properly calibrate the chamber and be able to compare adequately with conventionally performed tests with permeability on vertical trajectories.
The trajectories through which water flows through a soil layer may be favored by factors such as gravity, soil stratification, hydraulic gradient, void ratio, among others. These previous aspects can influence that the water permeates through the porous medium by different roads and this not only prefers vertical trajectories, which have been the most used in the perme parameters constructed to date to estimate the coefficient of permeability based on Darcy’s law.
In the process of soil formation and deposition, sedimentation generates anisotropy in the soil strata in several directions. Normally the permeability is calculated considering the flow in a uniform soil layer and without taking into account the direction of the flow perpendicular or parallel to this deposition.
However, the peripheral element (chamber) must comply with the same Darcy’s physical principle in which the bases for calculating permeability are laid, even in state-of-the-art equipment such as Ksat for example. Therefore this must be able to measure a flow through a cross section of a selected soil. The equation that simulates this behavior has a proportionality constant that is considered the permeability coefficient and which is represented in terms of velocity (cm/s or m/s).
Calculating with high reliability a parameter that physically simulates the behavior of a material is a challenge that has always been faced in the engineering of materials, geotechnical engineering does not escape this challenge. Today’s permeameters are deficient in calculating permeability in paths other than vertical. The importance of calculating these trajectories is due to the fact that in situ the water drains into the soil in different directions, which is why only considering the vertical permeability within the calculation of a flow in a geotechnical structure is incorrect.
As mentioned above, the construction of an accessory to an existing permeameter will allow the academic and research community to understand water flow in porous media under different trajectories. This practice can be included within the content of the soil mechanics course, obeying the continuous updating within the current trends of self-evaluation and national and international accreditation.
The results evidenced the difference between the values obtained in conventional permeameters and the values estimated in the proposed chamber for the measurement of non-vertical trajectories (preferably horizontal).
Since the essence of the project consists of the design, construction and proper commissioning of a dual chamber, for the calculation of the coefficient of permeability in granular soils under horizontal and vertical trajectories, it is crucial to ensure the quality of calibration tests of the materials used, as well as the calibration tests of the chamber.
It was indeed proven that the dual chamber is suitable for estimating the hydraulic conductivity of granular materials, even when a stratification, in this case of two materials, is configured within the chamber. It is possible to install more layers of material in the chamber to calculate an equivalent coefficient of permeability of the whole.
Calculations of the coefficient of permeability obtained from the chamber are considered within the accepted ranges for this type of material. In this way, it is considered that the chamber has a correct construction and calibration.
The dual permeability chamber allows the calculation of the hydraulic conductivity under both proposed trajectories. This is extremely useful for understanding the behaviour of geotechnicalhydraulic structures where the flow under different trajectories can control the mechanical response of the material.
The authors are grateful to the Universidad Piloto de Colombia and the Universidad Militar Nueva Granada for the willingness of the soil laboratories for the development of this research. This paper is a result of the the IMP-ING-2932 funded by the Research Vice-Rectory of the Universidad Militar Nueva Granada.
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