Guidelines for authors

1. Policies of the Journal

Scientific and Technological Research Article: Document that presents, in detail, the original results of research projects.

Reflection Article: Document that presents research results from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective of the author, on a specific topic, using original sources.

Review Article: Document resulting from a research where the results of published or unpublished research on a field of science or technology are analyzed, systematized and integrated, in order to report on the progress and development trends. It is characterized by a careful bibliographic review of at least 50 references.

2. Acceptance Criteria

2.1 Originality

All manuscripts submitted for evaluation must be original and unpublished and meet the necessary conditions of coherence, cohesion, clarity, concreteness, relevance and centrality that make them communicable.

2.2 Writing and Extension

The writing should be impersonal, concise and technical; it is suggested to avoid the use of redundant terms, unless the use of synonyms affects the meaning of what is to be expressed. The maximum length of the document will be 15 single-spaced single-column pages, leaving a line each time you want to start a paragraph, including summary, references, tables and figures. In "Times New Roman" 12 point font, with left and right margins of 3 cm and top and bottom of 2.5 cm.

2.3 Formats

The content of the manuscript should be written in Word word processor format (.doc or .docx). Tables, figures, graphs and equations should be numbered and located as close as possible to the place of reference. In addition, the guidelines for Figures, Graphs, and tables are defined as shown below:

2.3.1 Figures: Figures should be numbered consecutively, and referenced within the text as Figure #, (e.g. Figure 1). Their description must be written with central tabulation, in initial capital letters, font size 8, located at the bottom, and the font must be specified.



Figure 1. Name of the figure

Source: Author

Figures should be submitted as separate .jpg or .tiff files with a maximum resolution of 580 pixels wide. The name of these files must include the corresponding figure number (i.e. Figure1.jpg).

2.3.2 Graphs: In the case of statistical graphs, they should be sent separately in an Excel file, with the following characteristics: color, Times New Roman font, size 7 and transparent background (e.g. Graph 1).

2.3.3 Tables: Tables should be numbered with Roman numerals, consecutively, and referenced within the text (e.g. Table I). Their title must be written with central tabulation, in capital letters, size 8, located in the upper part of the body of the table. The content of the table in size 7 and at the bottom specify the font. Tables must be edited in Word, it is necessary to avoid tables inserted as graphic objects.

Table I.Title of Table





  Variable 1




  Variable 2




  Variable 3




  Variable 4




  Variable 5




Source: Author

3. Structure

3.1 Title (English, Spanish)

The title should be brief and concise with a maximum length of 150 characters (Size 12, Initial capital letter, Alignment: Centered).

3.1.2 Author(s)

The full names and surnames of each author, the last academic degree obtained, institutional e-mail, institutional affiliation,ORCID code of each author, city and country are required. It is advisable that the number of authors does not exceed 4. (Size 12, Alignment: Centered).

3.1.3 Abstract: English, Spanish (maximum 300 words)

The abstract should be analytical and should contain a maximum of 300 words, should avoid the use of abbreviations and highly specialized terms, and should not contain figures, graphs or tables. This type of summary summarizes the concepts, approaches, proposals or ideas, following the structural organization of the original text, highlighting its essential elements.

The structure of the abstract should implicitly contain the following elements: Background, Objective, Methods, Results, Conclusion; Likewise the structure of the Abstract should be: Background, Objective, Methods, Results and Conclusions.

In the abstract of each article, the nature of the article should be clear: whether it is research, reflection, review, etc., and whether it is part of a research project financed by an institution.

3.1.4 Key words: Spanish, English

The author must provide keywords in alphabetical order, a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 8, that help to identify the main topics or aspects of the article (use specific thesauri). If you have doubts about choosing them, you can make use of the Google Trends platform to find out the most searched for words on the Internet.

3.1.5 Introduction

It should contextualize the reader on the topics covered in the article, including background, justification and fundamental concepts.

3.1.6 Materials and Methods

It will be presented with the precision that is convenient for the reader to understand and confirm the development of the investigation. Methods previously published as indexes or techniques should be described only briefly and the corresponding citations should be provided, unless modifications have been made to them. The sample or participant population and the criteria for its selection should be described. Reference should be made to the type of information analysis used. If it is an original methodology, it is necessary to state the reasons that led to its use and describe its possible limitations.

3.1.7 Results and Discussion

The findings should be summarized, relating the observations to other studies of interest and pointing out the contributions and limitations of each. Data or other material already discussed in other sections should not be repeated in detail. Mention inferences from the findings and their limitations, including deductions for future research.

3.1.8 Conclusions

Describe in a timely manner the authors' appraisals of the development of the work and the results reported in the manuscript.

3.1.9 Acknowledgements

A short paragraph can be used to thank people and/or institutions that have collaborated in the development of the research (optional).

3.1.10 References

The Journal Reflexiones Contables , uses the APA 7th edition standards for the elaboration of bibliographic references, adopting a widely accepted international standard, which must be organized alphabetically.



López Nieves, L. (2005). El corazón de Voltaire (1st ed.). Bogotá: Grupo Editorial Norma.

Hacyan, S., (2004), Física y metafísica en el espacio y el tiempo. La filosofía en el laboratorio, Mexico DF, Mexico: Fondo nacional de cultura económica.

Book chapter:

Molina, V. (2008). "... is that students do not read or write": The challenge of reading and writing at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Cali. In H. Mondragón (Ed.), Reading, understanding, debating, writing. Writing scientific articles by university professors (pp. 53-62). Cali, Valle del Cauca: Sello Editorial Javeriano.

Lugo Filippi, C. (2004). Recetario de incautos. In I. Ballester, Y. Cruz, H. E. Quintana, J. Santiago & C. M. Sarriera (Eds.), El placer de leer y escribir: Anthology of readings (pp. 88-91). Guaynabo, P.R.: Editorial Plaza Mayor.

Magazine article:

Franzoni, C., Scellato& Stephan, P. (December, 2012). Foreing-born scientists: mobility patterns for 16 countries. Nature Biotechnology, 30(12), 1250-1253.

Memória o Evento Article:

Rojas, C., & Vera, N. (August, 2013). ABMS (Automatic BLAST for Massive Sequencing). In H. Castillo (Chair), 2° Congreso Colombiano de Biologia Computacional y Bioinformática CCBCOL. Congress held in Manizales, Colombia.

Cervantes M. (2012), Seminar ICT and sustainable development in Latin America and the Caribbean: experiences and policy initiatives,. "Panorama RAEE in Latin America", Santiago de Chile, ECLAC, October 22-23, 2012.


Aponte, L, & Cardona, C. (2009). Environmental education and evaluation of population density for the conservation of reintroduced condors in Los Nevados National Natural Park and its buffer zone (undergraduate thesis). University of Caldas, Manizales, Colombia.

Bruckman, A. (1997). MOOSE Crossing: Construction, community, and learning in a networked virtual world for kids (Doctoral dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Retrieved from


Argosy Medical Animation (2007-2009). Visible body: Discover human anatomy. New York, USA: Argosy Publishing. Retrieved from

Carroll, L. & Gilroy, P. J. (2002). Transgender issues in counselor preparation. CounselorEducation&Supervision, 41, 233-242. Retrieved from

4. Manuscript Submission

The article can be sent to the Editorial Board of the Journal through the Open Journal Systems platform. In addition to sending the manuscript duly adjusted to the journal's standards, the following complementary files are required:

Letter of presentation and originality: This letter contemplates the following aspects: that the work is original and unpublished and has not been published in other journals or media, contribution of the work to be presented, confirmation of the authorship of all authors and their intellectual contribution and approval of the final version of the article. If it is in the authors' interest, they can recommend three experts as possible referees, indicating their contact details. The proposed referees must meet the following requirements: minimum academic degree of doctorate, recent scientific productivity according to the subject of the article presented and institutional affiliation different from that of the authors.

Act of cession of rights: which will request the authors to grant ownership of their copyrights, so that their article and related materials may be published in any form or medium. Through this document, they assign their rights to the journal.

Authors' data update form: where authors are asked for their personal data, academic background and scientific productivity.

Figures: should be sent separately in .jpg files with a maximum resolution of 580 pixels wide, with explicit legends. Statistical graphs should be sent in Excel format.

Tables: should be sent in the format in which they were designed (e.g. word, excel, etc.).

Supplementary files: If figures, photographs, graphs, drawings, diagrams or any other visual material, other than tables, are used that are typed in the text, the originals must be attached, duly marked, as well as the magnetic files indicating the software used for their elaboration. In case of using a figure taken from another author and, therefore, protected by reproduction rights, all the data for the respective credit must be attached, together with the written authorization of the author or editor of the original publication.

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