Effectiveness in the Implementation of the Strategic Lines of Employment Generation of the Municipal Development Plan 2016-2019 in the City of San José de Cúcuta

Eficacia en la Implementación de las Líneas estratégicas de Generación de Empleo del Plan Municipal de Desarrollo 2016-2019 en la Ciudad de San José de Cúcuta

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Ariyaeel Aro Meza
The effectiveness in the implementation of the strategic lines of employment generation of the municipal development plan 2016-2019 in the city of San José de Cúcuta was analyzed. A quantitative research with a descriptive scope was used. The population corresponded to the social programs destined to the generation of employment in the municipality, for which a census-type sample was applied, using as instruments a technical sheet for the observation of information and the data were grouped following a descriptive statistical model. There are many estimates and projections that were taken into account within the PDM, which were based on four lines or dimensions of action: Social Dimension, Economic Dimension, Institutional Dimension and Environmental Dimension. Many of the measures associated with job creation did not have the desired scope and some were lost due to a lack of better planning and the creation of real and measurable indicators by municipal administration officials. Compliance with the plans projected in the PMD was established, diagnosing an achievement level greater than 90%, their scope and which mechanism is the most appropriate to improve the plans present in it.


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