Tax and financial benefits for companies linked to free zones in Cúcuta

Beneficios tributarios y financieros para empresas vinculadas a zonas francas en Cúcuta

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Blanca Liliana Carrascal-Velásquez
Maria Fernanda García
Tibizay Castellanos-Díaz
Johann Fernando Hoyos-Patiño
Lilian Natalia Sayado-Velásquez
Free zones since its inception have been a tool used to attract investment, job creation and competitiveness in the regions where it is located, among other factors that help the Colombian economy. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to present the benefits that being established in a Free Zone brings to companies and the field that this opens to new horizons that seek to be captured. The methodology that was used to carry out the purpose of the investigation was qualitative since the means that was used for the collection of information was an interview made to the director of operations of the Free Trade Zone of Cúcuta (Hector Zapata Franco), with which The aim was to respond to the objectives set at the beginning of the investigation. At the beginning of the current year, these were affected by a phenomenon that was not in anyone's perspective but that came to change everything, for which decisions had to be made that in various aspects affected many of the companies that were consolidated in these, for which reason it is sought to mention what happened with the pandemic that had arrived in the nation and the adjustments that it brought with it.


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