The agricultural production of Toledo's farmers

La producción agrícola de los campesinos de Toledo

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Yuleisi Pilar Borja-Villalba
Betsabec Urbina-Pulido
Sharyn Nataly Hernández-Fuentes

The rural population in Colombia is made up of peasants, the vast majority of whom are considered poor, due to the lack of resources and the income generated by national government aid. The rural population of Toledo Norte de Santander in 2015 was seriously affected by high levels of poverty due to displacement and lack of opportunities to work and cultivate their land. Objective: To identify the shortcomings of the peasants of Toledo N. de S. in their production process. Methodology: The following research is explanatory because it shows a possible solution to the existing problem in the academic training of the peasants thrown out by the surveys carried out on the farmers of Toledo Norte de Santander. Results: Once this research has been carried out, we have enough and necessary information that allows us to get to know more deeply the problem of lack of education towards the peasants of Toledo Norte de Santander, taking into account the shortcomings in the lack of commitment On the part of the national government that does not have in mind the needs of citizens and peasants.



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