Parallel and interconnected cultural and economic growth through the Orange Economy

Crecimiento paralelo e interconectado cultural y económico a través de la Economía Naranja

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Cheila Natalia Ovallos-Telles
María Vanessa Pedrozo-Torres

The article below discusses general and main concepts from the orange economy or creative industry, through which it is possible to understand its effects on economic fields, exports and imports worldwide thanks to studies presented by the UN and, nationally, through of the latest DANE statistical report. In the same way, a reflection is made on the different business opportunities that exist in this field through contemporary notions such as entrepreneurship, innovation and the use of digital platforms, whose rise has been imminent due to the digital revolution the world is living. On the other hand, it highlights the excellent value generated by these types of economies to preserve heritage and cultural identity through the breeding of intellectual property. Finally, the impact that the Colombian Art crafts field has generated and can continue to make is studied, defining it as an inclusive sector, key to increasing the added value in GDP, and preserving the identity of a culturally rich country.



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