Flow of operations in a manufacturing cell in new technologies.

Flujo de operaciones en una celda de manufactura en las nuevas tecnologías.

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Yessika Gisell Chavez-Hernandez
Luis Asunción Perez-Dominguez
David Luviano-Cruz
Iván Juan Pérez-Olguín
Karla Yohana Sánchez-Mojica

The ABC algorithm (artificial bee hive) is important to optimize process variables. Additionally, trying to solve optimization problems are complex problems, since oriented with the new technologies there are unforeseen events in the production lines that cannot be predicted, for which this specific algorithm requires a detailed and highly difficult analysis. Likewise, the ABC algorithm aims to optimize processes, through a system that can predict which option is convenient for the given problem. At the same time, there is a need to analyze the optimization for a case of flow of operations in a manufacturing cell using new technologies. In this sense, the present investigation will deal with a practical case, where a stationary algorithm will be compared against the ABC algorithm.



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