Moving towards sustainability: The importance of efficient and effective budgets for the Sustainable Development Goals

Avanzando hacia la sostenibilidad: La importancia de presupuestos eficientes y efectivos para los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible

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Oscar Daniel Rojas-Peña
Viviana Paola Delgado-Sánchez

Sustainable development is one of the greatest challenges facing our world today. To achieve a more just and equitable future, it is essential that all countries work together towards a common goal: achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. However, this process is not easy and requires careful and strategic planning. In this thought piece, we will explore the importance of efficient and effective budgets in moving towards sustainability and achieving the SDGs. We will discuss how budgets can be used to support a transition to the circular economy and how they can be used to encourage the use of more sustainable technologies. In addition, we will consider the need for greater transparency and accountability in the management of financial resources earmarked for sustainability. Ultimately, we argue that a more strategic and accountable approach to resource allocation can make a big difference on the path to global sustainability.



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