Impact Of Covid-19 On The Tourism Sector In Colombia

Impacto del covid-19 en el sector turismo en Colombia

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Ronald Edwin Contreras
Lisset Katherine Serrano-Villamizar
Enmanuel Omar Nava-Sarmiento

the global coronavirus epidemic will cause significant effects on the global economy during the first quarters of 2020, which has made it negatively impact the global economy, COVID-19 is not only an emergency for public health, but also implies An economic shock, both in supply and demand, therefore the need to determine the impact of COVID-19 on the tourism sector in Colombia is seen. Materials and methods: The research was developed through a bibliographic review in which, critically, the data related to the phenomenon of interest was analyzed after performing a search in the main databases. Results: in Colombia, if the pandemic is controlled in one or two months, it is expected that the Colombian economy will grow 2.3%, in the medium term (4 months) the economy is expected to grow 1.2%, however in the worst of the scenarios if it is resolved over a period of more than 6 months, growth is expected to be 0.4% and downward; the national government has taken measures through decrees in order to protect its financial sectors and that the GDP is not so devastating for the country's economy, among them are decrees 462, 397, 557 and 417; alliances between departmental and municipal secretaries could generate innovative proposals so that the crisis in the tourism sector is reactivated in a positive way for all. Conclusion: This pandemic has left almost all branches of activity in the nation affected,  especially the tourism sector, where a sharp decrease in the nation's GDP has been seen, even some negatives.



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