Effect of Covid-19 on the colombian economy and its in impact on Cúcuta
Efecto del Covid en la economía colombiana y su impacto en Cúcuta
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The countries of the world over time have been writing a history and building a trajectory with their societies, some of them achieving significant advances for humanity, giving privileges when it comes to leading a lifestyle and others are still in that process. development of being able to reach that place in a first world. In 2020 the world suffered a global crisis, a virus called Covid-19 from China threatened all countries but in the case of Latin America, a disease that occurred in such a distant continent did not present any threat and did not create a protection plan for this pandemic, at the time of arrival, no Latin country could face this circumstance and suffered one of the strongest blows in history, and within these countries is Colombia, hence the great question that arises. Let us prepare this writing, how Covid-19 affected our society, our economy, our families, jobs, imports, exports and other factors that make up an organized society.
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