E-commerce in national and foreign trade in the city of Cúcuta -Colombia

El E-commerce en el comercio nacional y exterior en la ciudad de Cúcuta -Colombia

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Yoimer Fabian Guerrero-Yanes

Information and communication technologies have transformed everyday life since the invention of the Internet. These changes have impacted the way we communicate and have revolutionized industry. Today, it is essential for companies to have an Internet connection. E-commerce, driven by these technologies, has changed foreign trade, facilitating the sale of goods and services. Within the digital world, e-commerce has become an essential element of the global economy, changing the dynamics of trade both locally and internationally. This research work focuses on the impact of e-commerce on foreign trade, studying how online platforms have overcome the limitations of time and space, facilitating greater unification of markets worldwide. Through a detailed study of current trends, trade patterns and practical cases. In Argentina. during the year 2020, the author Rabinovich, Guido deduced in his thesis entitled "E-commerce: logistics solutions for the last mile" that e-commerce benefits both the economy and lifestyle, particularly with home deliveries. This is relevant to foreign trade as online purchases can be local or international, and can be made from almost anywhere. This issue is crucial for imported products sold locally, as it represents the last step in the chain. Businessmen are beginning to recognize its importance, relevance and usefulness. Among the main barriers is the lack of general knowledge on the part of decision makers, this lack of knowledge limits the intention or ability to sell large volumes to expand or develop new markets at regional, national and international levels.



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