Business Approach to Sustainable Development

Enfoque Empresarial Hacia el Desarrollo Sostenible

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Marlon Andrés Fuentes-Castellanos
Sune Libardo Bayona-Ovallos

This article presents a presentation that seeks to promote theoretical reflection on the concept of Sustainable Development from a business perspective with an ethical approach, highlighting the importance of the topic for the development of countries, under the premises of equity, social justice, environmental protection, quality education, economic growth, production and responsible consumption. In order to carry out this purpose, a qualitative research was conducted based on a documentary review. As a result, it is evident that the expression Sustainable Development focuses on economic, social and environmental dimensions; transcendent aspects are highlighted, such as the origin of Sustainable Development, theoretical contributions, implication in modern organizations from a progressive change process in which it has been oriented towards new forms of production and consumption.



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