Influence of Ethics in Neuromarketing

Influencia de la Ética en el Neuromarketing

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Jerarldine Xilena Niño-Garces
Brayner Fabian González-Tutira

It is a fact that today it has been common to implement new techniques that combine various tools used in the marketing world as is the Neuromarketing, which has origin of neuroscience. Its main objective is to analyze the results and understanding, in which motor, sensory, and affective areas from the human being before it generates marketing, which are the basis for planning and generate strategies to a changing and competitive market include, with many diversities. It also includes the impact it has on the strategies that handle visual advertising is included part of the senses. It is through this medium that we can know or realize the emotional relationship between the consumer and a specific brand, how the person before such strategies what their reactions or why abandon the current product inclining by the competition reacts , leading many to even know which product is most desired to offer, fulfilling a need that consumers have in all these aspects. This technique goes even extending to the brain finds sensory part, analyzing their responses to such marketing techniques. 



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