Impact of Free Trade Agreements in Latin America between 2005 and 2015.

Impacto de los Tratados de Libre Comercio en América Latina entre los años 2005 y 2015

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Diana Karime Cárdenas Méndez
María Magaly Hernández Mogollón

The objective of this article was to describe the impact caused by the signing of the Free Trade Agreement in Latin America between 2005 and 2015. First, it begins with a definition of Free Trade Agreement, then it covers the relationship between Colombia and the Free Trade Agreement with the United States of America, its conditions and effects. In the same way this article exposes some positions of authors about the Free Trade Agreements with countries such as Chile, Ecuador, Peru, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Panama and Central America. Finally, it was concluded that Free Trade Agreements have an impact on all areas related to commercial exchange, representing advantages and disadvantages for the industrial sectors involved. The experience left by the development of these agreements manages to open new commercial channels that very possibly expand the possibilities of commercialization and in turn help the industry of each country to innovate in the development of new products and with high quality standards to be able to compete in a global trade.



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