The role of the supervisor in state contracting
El rol del supervisor en la contratación estatal
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Taking into account that there is currently a weak legal framework regarding the role of the supervisor, a lack of knowledge is generated about the way in which it should proceed when facing state contracting, which is why the present investigation inquired about the control functions that must be exercised by a state supervisor based on the regulations governing the competencies of both officials and contractors, the above starting from the general objective, to analyze the role of the supervisor in Colombian state contracting in light of current regulations, which carried out from a qualitative research, which is focused on understanding the phenomena, exploring them from the perspective of the participants in a natural environment and in relation to their context, where the very slight normativity was obtained as relevant results about the execution of contracts, this because emphasis has been placed on having severity to when preparing and executing the obligations of a contract, in order to thus maintain control at the time of said execution, fully complying with each of the stipulated sections and promoting supervision that contributes efficiently and transparently to the hiring. It is for the above that it is essential to carry out a correct supervision in state contracting, which is achieved from the fulfillment of the functions of the person acting as supervisor, who will also provide constant support and may carry out audits that allow for optimal performance. Therefore, it is necessary for this person to fully comply with the regulations, to be in charge of responsibilities that lead to the control and monitoring of the execution of the contracts.
Article Details
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