Effects of the covid-19 pandemic on Pymes in Colombia

Efectos de la pandemia por covid-19 en las Pymes en Colombia

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Liceth Eliana Quintero – León

The objective of this article is to analyze the effects caused by the covid-19 pandemic on SMEs in Colombia, through a literary survey inquiring through theses, articles, and databases associated with the consequences and measures taken from the arrival of the pandemic, which resulted in a massive impact within the country's economy and with a serious impact on the sector belonging to SMEs caused by health measures such as the total closure of companies, causing GDP to drop by a - 3.6% and adding one more obstacle to the development of small and medium-sized companies, concluding that although the covid-19 pandemic did have a very strong impact on the economy not only of Colombia but of the entire world, it also caused a positive consequence which is, that small and medium-sized companies could adapt to the changes to which they were subjected and implement in turn the use of necessary tools and very useful for the proper development of their economy. And in this way to stabilize the country's economy because SMEs are the backbone of it.



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