Designs and strategies for the formalization of employment in the city in the city of Cúcuta
Diseños y estrategias para la formalizacion del empleo en la ciudad en la ciudad de Cúcuta
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This present work contains the analysis of the organizational climate of the strategies for the formality of employment in the city of Cucuta, North of Santander, this precedes the emphasis on the problem that afflicts and considers properly an objective level in the radical search to lower the high index of informality in this city, in terms of labor competencies, the effects generated by the alternative vision of didactic bases in the direction of greater participation that are taught to contribute to the recovery of public spaces are socialized and additionally allow adverse policies to be established for good results. in favor of the recovery of a legal, formal job. The commercial structure within the regional economic context forms small enterprises of more sustainable entrepreneurship in the face of the state of labor informality, considered in the city of Cucuta formal work consisting of small companies that have the largest. It contains the concepts on the state of labor informality of international, national and local order. Informal companies present relevant conclusions on the organizational level characteristics to improve with considerable strategies as a primary point to the search for opportunities for this population that emerges proportionate and positive results.
The topic was born with the investigation of different informal work modalities practiced in the city, the environmental conditions and that this work modality is becoming a custom, through indirect analyzes, to determine the demographic information and know the working conditions of the population and having an attitude towards informality, surveys were applied to informal workers.
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