Fear in people of forming or creating their own company in Colombia

Miedo en las personas para formar o crear su propia empresa en Colombia

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Alvaro Fransua León Garzón
Sthephanie Lizbeth Mogollón Piffano
Natalia Giselle Acevedo Salazar

This work aims to present some hypotheses as to why people are afraid to start a business. The article presents a qualitative analysis around the topic of entrepreneurship in a world where globalization is taking giant steps, innovation and creativity are necessary and propose ideas to overcome this obstacle along the way and create an entrepreneurial culture. It is time to incentivize innovation with a business focus by implementing the knowledge and skills of professionals. Entrepreneurship teaches how to create a company and be competitive in the market, the entrepreneur must have extensive knowledge of current affairs and latest trends to enter the market generating impact and implementing technological advances. Entrepreneurship is the formation of an idea that generates income taking into account the efficient optimization of resources, having a mission, a vision, persistence, commitment, leadership and passion are key factors for the entrepreneurial culture. Making decisions is essential for the creation of a company, the positive or negative results of the business plan depend on it.

 that generates income taking into account the efficient optimization of resources, having a mission, a vision, persistence, commitment, leadership and passion are key factors for the entrepreneurial culture. Decision-making is essential in the business creation process, the success or failure of the project depends on it.



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