Attract foreign or national investors to stimulate the economy and the generation of more formal employment in Cúcuta

Atraer inversionistas extranjeros o nacionales para estimular la economía y la generación de más empleo formal en Cúcuta

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Estefanía agredo-Hernández
Adriana Lucia Delgado-Niño
Ender José Barrios Monsalve

This research aims to analyze or attract new investors to Colombia in order to generate a greater economy in the country, we have noticed that if there is a better economy, it replaces unemployment with more jobs, which generates a great help for the informality of Cucuta thanks to the ZESES, which is a great support for the city, will be able to generate good jobs and informality in this way would decrease, and it would not be the city with the most informality in the country's reference rates, even though it is a border area. The clearest proposal of this research is to change the scope of informality in people for a new lifestyle under informality encouraging work in a company with all its layoffs and statutory benefits that they can live in a more comfortable way knowing that they are working in a more adequate way



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