International Student Academic Mobility, from the UFPS of Colombia, To the UJA of Spain, From the Perspective of the ERASMUS Student.

Movilidad Académica Estudiantil Internacional, desde la UFPS de Colombia, Hacia la UJA de España, Desde la Óptica del Estudiante de ERASMUS

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Jeison Stiven Blanquiced Sepulveda
Francisco Esteban Rodríguez Isidro
Julio Alfonso González Mendoza

The present research study that has as title, International Student Academic Mobility, from the UFPS of Colombia, Towards UJA of Spain, From the Perspective of the ERASMUS Student; has as objectives to identify the projections that have had the ERASMUS students of the UFPS, in relation to the formative differences between the University Francisco de Paula Santander of Colombia compared to the University of Jaén of Spain, along with the objective of the schematization of the different requirements in the process of international academic mobility. All through a quantitative methodology, with the implementation of the survey instrument, to the population of ERASMUS students "Are the students of the UFPS who have made mobility to the UJA", with a sample of 5 students who made international academic mobility to the University of Jaen-UJA, coming from the University Francisco de Paula Santander-UFPS. Having as main focus the parameters of the Beca-UFPS, more, however, in the same article are mentioned the various benefits of all international academic mobility scholarships currently present in the UFPS. This allows the reader not only to know the perspectives of the students of academic mobility, facing the teaching methodology between a Latin American university vs. a European university, but, in turn, informs the reader of the different requirements, benefits and commitments that are assumed in the process of international academic mobility between these two universities.




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