Catatumbo and its economic and productive potential

El Catatumbo y su potencialidad economica y productiva

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Leidy Paola Peñaranda Peñaranda
Greys keren Hernandez Urbano
Johanna Milena Mogrovejo Andrade
Liliana Marcela Bastos Osorio
Oscar Arnulfo Mera Ramirez

The following article is based on the need to make know the economic and productive profile of the Catatumbo region  as a contribution to the sustainable development of the region, a territory located in the northeast of the department of Norte de Santander; wich, thanks to this same location is highly rich in water and natural resources causing climatic variation and high soil properties that have allowed the primary sector to be predominant in its economy; it is for this reason that this research focuses on exposing the economic profile of the region and in this way make known the productive capacities present in the territory; continuing this way, the study is designed through a qualitative methodology with an inductive method and descriptive type of study, whose purpose is to analyze the different types of crops such as: transitory crops. permanent crops, annual crops and the livestock division; to culminate Catatumbo is an area with great potentialities in the productive use of the soil for the agricultural sector with a view to international markets; however, the lack of knowledge on the part of the producers of the region about the agricultural potential of the area, on several occasions have caused the loss of opportunities for the commercialization of products.



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