The evolution of marketing for business growth
La evolución del marketing para el crecimiento de las empresas
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Marketing has undergone changes over the years, because of this most companies must automate their strategies in order to advance in the market, so this article aims to let companies know what advances and / or changes in marketing would help them to excel in the market, it also addresses some unknowns and current challenges of marketing, likewise, it describes how marketing helps us from production-centric approaches to customer-centric approaches and the use of technology. Customer satisfaction is highlighted as key to generating value and loyalty in the marketplace. This marketing has evolved from a focus on producing and selling products to a focus on customer orientation and building long-term relationships and we have researched several influential authors such as Peter Drucker, Theodore Levitt and Regis Mackenna, who have driven these changes in marketing approach and strategies and therefore we have increasingly focused on the use of technology to better understand customer needs and offer customized solutions. Therefore, the results of our research allow us to know that customer satisfaction has become today a fundamental part of modern marketing, because customer satisfaction generates high value and long-term loyalty, however, it is worth mentioning that we must also focus on issues such as return on investment and building a strong brand, since it is still very important to seek other areas of improvement to provide better service, as this will allow us to generate loyalty to create memorable experiences and offer a high quality service. Finally, the article highlights the importance of marketing in business growth, adapting to consumer changes and using effective strategies.
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