Proyecto de vida de los adolescentes del área metropolitana de Cúcuta (zona rural escolar corregimiento de san Faustino)

Proyecto de vida de los adolescentes del área metropolitana de Cúcuta (zona rural escolar corregimiento de san Faustino)

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Edgar Alfonso Santos-Contreras
Dania Paola Ortega-Pérez

This work is part of the study of the human condition in its many dimensions that allow personal and professional development, with life-project being a tool which seeks to guide our personal growth, through the identification of those goals that we want to achieve and the capabilities we own. In educational institutions and other sociocultural contexts in the metropolitan area of Cucuta, a high percentage of adolescents with a gap in the projection of themselves is perceived, likely caused by the lack of self-knowledge, the direct and indirect influence of family, social, economic and cultural factors from the region which for so long has remained geographically isolated from national and international context, due to its border condition. To develop this goal we rely primarily on the theory of hierarchy of human needs [1] , humanistic psychology [2] and life projects and strategic planning staff [3] among others. The methodology is part of the so-called descriptive research based on characterization of phenomena or situations indicating the most peculiar or differentiating facts. Results are shown and it is concluded that all adolescents look for self-realization, as since their school stage they start recognizing the importance of setting goals and set them in a plan even if it is not written or structured, while identifying factors influencing in construction of that plan.



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Author Biographies (SEE)

Edgar Alfonso Santos-Contreras, Gimnasio Domingo Savio

Maestrante en Educación Matemática

Dania Paola Ortega-Pérez, Colegio de la Presentación Santa Teresa

Maestrante en Educación Matemática

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