El aprovechamiento de las redes sociales en la educación
El aprovechamiento de las redes sociales en la educación
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The main purpose of this research was to evaluate the performance of literacy mediated by computer applications for editing text, linked to social networks , made by informants students, as a reference for the establishment of theoretical constructs that allow understanding emerging mechanisms ; framed in the qualitative paradigm and with the support of ethnomethodology , following a design field . The scenario in which the research was conducted were three educational institutions in Cucuta , Colombia , where the key informants students belong : School Rafael Uribe Urbe ( official ), the Colegio Calasanz ( private ) and the University Francisco de Paula Santander ( public institution of higher education) techniques for data collection were observation and unstructured interview ; well as tools format was used to record observable situations , taking into account also the verbal and nonverbal symbols informants within the context of the study and a script with a series of initial questions. The information collected was organized with the aim of extracting the most important concerning the investigated phenomenon , according to the categorization process coding, analysis was performed in the light of the key concepts of ethnomethodology: finally developing theorizing emerging discoveries .
Article Details
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