Dificultades del pensamiento numérico en los estudiantes de la facultad de ciencias empresariales

Dificultades del pensamiento numérico en los estudiantes de la facultad de ciencias empresariales

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Omar Castellanos-Soriano

We present an investigation about difficulties of numerical thinking in students of the Faculty of Business Sciences, specifically in the Mathematics I subject of the Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander. It has been evidenced a low academic performance in the subject of Mathematics I where the high rates of repetition and university desertion predominate. Often teachers complain about poor academic performance and poor preparation of students for college, but no formal research is done to To identify the causes of these difficulties and to resolve them by making more precise recommendations in order to strengthen those thoughts in which students present difficulties and thus contribute to the improvement of academic performance in the initial course of Mathematics I. The research design focused on a Process of explanatory level, since it will allow to identify the difficulties and knowledge in the numerical thinking of the students who enter the first semester in the Faculty of Business Sciences. For the data collection, a diagnostic test was used In which two parts are identified, one associated with the student's personal information (socio-economic) and the other associated with academic type factors. The results obtained show the different difficulties presented by the students, and although few students have a good predisposition towards the study of mathematics, in most mathematical processes are not satisfactory, which is worrying. In addition, there is no evidence that there are differences in age or gender. Finally, some recommendations are made in order to begin to improve the situation found



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Author Biography (SEE)

Omar Castellanos-Soriano, Universidad Francisco De Paula Santander

Docente del Departamento de Matematicas y Estadistica de la UFPS. Licenciado en Matematicas y Computacion.Especialista en Estadistica Aplicada. Magister en Educacion Matematica.

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Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander. Sistema de Información Académica. [Base de datos]. Consultada el 30 de agosto de 2009

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