Conceptions of Basic Education students on perimeter and area
Concepciones de estudiantes de Educación Básica sobre perímetro y área
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This article presents the preliminary results of an exploratory study on the conceptions that the sixth grade students of Basic Education have about the notions of perimeter and area. The research is framed in the qualitative naturalistic approach. The data of the diagnostic test are interpreted in the light of the conceptual and theoretical elements, the representations given by the informants when they solve problems and argue situations involving the concepts of perimeter and area. The key informants are ten students of the sixth grade of Basic Education of the Gran Mariscal School of Ayacucho de Sucre (Santander). The analysis of the information consisted in determining the main categories emerging from the study. Among the results obtained, it is highlighted that a large part of the students demonstrate clear notions of contour and surface, but not so much on perimeter and area. It is also perceived that students confuse area with perimeter and do not associate units of measurement of concepts.
Article Details
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