Trayectorias diferenciadas por estilos de aprendizajes mediadas por un entorno e-learning

Trayectorias diferenciadas por estilos de aprendizajes mediadas por un entorno e-learning

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Adriana Rosa Schilardi
Sandra Mabel Segura
Oscar Alfredo León

The purpose of this research was to identify the differences between the tasks proposed to the students according to their different learning styles. For this purpose, different trajectories were proposed according to these styles. The experience was applied to the teaching of algebra in an e-learning environment, in order to compare the results obtained in the implemented tests. For this purpose, a semantic network was defined with the disciplinary content to be taught, linking its nodes to didactic sequences appropriate to the learning style of the students. A system based on an adaptive multimedia environment was then implemented to support the teaching process. This allowed the generation of profiles and data models that made it possible to record the evolution of the learning process. Finally, some conclusions obtained from the students' answers are commented.




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