Scientific-methodological strategy of UNIGUAJIRA for the socio-economic and productive development of the goat-sheep species in the department of La Guajira, Colombia

Estrategia científico-metodológica de la UNIGUAJIRA, para el desarrollo socio-económico productivo de la especie caprino-ovina en el departamento de la Guajira, Colombia

Main Article Content

Atenaida Beatriz Quintero-Bueno
Caridad Walkiria Guerra-Bustillo
Lucia Fernández-Chuairey

The University of La Guajira (UNIGUAJIRA) being the most important upper institution in the state of La Guajira searches to take advantages of the condition of having the largest amount of quantity from the ovine-caprine cattle in the country, through a scientific-methodological strategy for the investigation in the region. All the aspects, including the scientific-methodological investigation of this system production commercialization of the ovine-caprine cattle, are shown thanks to the schemes or flowcharts, taking as reference the first scenery -the UNIGUAJIRA´S incidence- by
means of its search and investigation program to the development of the fewer ovinecaprine cattle in the state of La Guajira. The scientific-methodological strategy proposed in this article is of great utility and help as reference to new similar investigation to be carried out in this region of the country.



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Author Biographies (SEE)

Atenaida Beatriz Quintero-Bueno, Universidad de La Guajira

Estadístico. Especialita en Gestión Gerencial.

Caridad Walkiria Guerra-Bustillo, Universidad Agraria de La Habana

Licenciada en Matemática. Especialista en Estadística Matemática. Doctora en Ciencias. 

Lucia Fernández-Chuairey, Universidad Agraria de La Habana

Licenciada en Matemática. Master en Ciencias en la Especialidad de Matemática Aplicada. Doctora en Ciencias Veterinarias.

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