Elaboración de un mapa que muestre los grados de vulnerabilidad sísmica, para viviendas de uso residencial en la comuna 7 de la ciudad de Cúcuta

Elaboración de un mapa que muestre los grados de vulnerabilidad sísmica, para viviendas de uso residencial en la comuna 7 de la ciudad de Cúcuta

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Adriana Rodríguez-Lizcano

The seismic risk doesn’t depend on the threat or the probability of occurring a seismic event, but also the highest vulnerability that many buildings have, because they haven’t been built with the appropiate regulations, also they don’t have minimun structure conditions, shape, strength which make them more susceptible to damage. The purpose of the research is to develop a map that shows the seismic vulnerability of housing one or two floors of residencial Comuneros, Chapinero and Claret neigborhoods in the comuna 7 of Cúcuta city. We used the Vulnerability index method by (Benedetti and Petrini 1984) we chose a propability sample of 336 houses distributed proportionally according to the neighborhood. The instrument applied in this researh is designed according to the parameters that The Colombian Earthquake Resistent Design and Construction NSR- 98 stablished, the investigation showed that 70% of these houses are into the highest vulnerability seismic level, the 22% is into the intermediate vulnerability seismic level and just the 8% of the tested houses are into the lowest vulnerability seismic level, and the research also conclude that exists a big relation between the level of the seismic vulnerability of these houses and the social level of their habitants.



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Author Biography (SEE)

Adriana Rodríguez-Lizcano, Universidad Francisco De Paula Santander

Departamento de Matemáticas y Estadística, Mg. En educación, Ingeniera Civil,

Asociación Colombiana de Ingeniería Sísmica, Normas Colombianas de Diseño y Construcción Sismo Resistente, NSR-98, Bogotá, Colombia. Disponible en: http://www.uptc.edu.co/export/sites/default/docentes/oscar_gutierrez/descargas/TxtuloF.pdf


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TAMAYO, Mario y Tamayo. El Proceso de la Investigación Científica. Limusa. Noriega Editores. México 1999.

DEPARTAMENTO ADMINISTRATIVO NACIONAL DE ESTADISTICA, Cúcuta. Disponible en: https://www.dane.gov.co/

VISAUTA, Vinacua Bienvenido. Análisis Estadístico con SPSS - Estadística Básica. Tercera Edición. McGraw-Hill. España 2007.

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