Estudio cuasi-experimental en la aplicación de metodos cooperativos para la enseñanza de la asignatura en filosofia

Estudio cuasi-experimental en la aplicación de metodos cooperativos para la enseñanza de la asignatura en filosofia

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Carmen Teresa Medrano-Lindarte
Elbert Isaias Araque-Correa

We did the investigation with 62 students (men and women), they study at Nuestra
Señora de las Mercedes School in Sardinata, they are in 10th grade; 29 of these students
are in 10 B grade and the other 33 are in 10A grade. By an experimental designed with an
experimental group, a group of control and using some qualified post-test in both grades;
we realized how important is learning a topic and improving the academic performance
by using cooperative methods to teach this subject in Philosophy We measured the rank
of getting the topic and improving the academic performance by applying some post-tests
with 80% of reliability, we got this result by using the divided Halves method, we applied
the Shapiro-Wilk test for samples fewer than 50% and we found Previous values of the
normal assumptions, and the grades of these two groups show the same variance with a
value of p=0.073 on the Levene test and it has a very important diference between the
different grades of the two groups (p=0.000 prueba t).



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