Application of didactic strategies for the development of numerical thinking in eighth-grade students of the Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes educational institution in the municipality of Sardinata
Aplicación de estrategias didácticas para el desarrollo del pensamiento numérico en los estudiantes de octavo de la institución educativa nuestra señora de las mercedes en el municipio de Sardinata
Main Article Content
The present research had the general objective of designing didactic tools for the development of numerical thinking in the eighth-grade students of the Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes Educational Institution, Municipality of Sardinata. Following the objectives of the study, the methodology witnessed a feasible project, located at a descriptive level, supported by field research. The chosen population was the eighth-graders students of the Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes Educational Institution, Sardinata municipality, which constitutes a sample of 125 students. Otherwise, the reliability of the measurement instruments was determined using cronbach's alpha statistical method and the data were represented and analyzed under the construction of frequency tables and percentage graphs, showing that the students have little command of numerical thinking because they are not motivated towards the development of it; on the other hand, teachers must implement strategies so students show interest in their learning, hence the need to generate as a didactic strategy the use of games which serve as a didactic strategy for the development of numerical thinking.
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