Forms of probabilistic reasoning of sixth grade students of secondary education

Formas de razonamiento probabilístico de estudiantes de sexto grado de educación secundaria

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David Benítez Mojica

This research seeks to identify the forms of probabilistic reasoning used by sixth-grade students when faced with situations involving random events. This is a qualitative and exploratory study based on five categories of probabilistic reasoning proposed by Sánchez and Benítez (1997), where the levels of lack of prediction, determinism, mechanical, pre-rigor and rigor determine the students' lines of reasoning when faced with problems involving probability. The data were collected from a questionnaire, semi-structured interviews and participant observation processes. Fifteen sixth-grade students of basic secondary education from an official educational institution in the city of Cali, Colombia, participated in the study. The results show that when students face problems involving the concept of probability, a level of reasoning prevails over others, and they generally resort to their beliefs to solve them, which can affect their performance in the learning processes. It is concluded that it is of great importance that teachers identify beliefs and subjective thinking elements of students before planning interventions to teach probability in classrooms.



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