Statistical literacy in graduate students of the National Experimental University of Táchira

Alfabetización estadística en estudiantes de postgrado de la Universidad Nacional Experimental del Táchira

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José Alexy Moros-Briceño

The objective of this research was to determine statistical literacy in postgraduate students of the National Experimental University of Táchira (UNET). Methodologically, it relied on the positivist paradigm, descriptive level, field design, transectional, non-experimental. The population consisted of 70 students from the academic periods 2019-B and 2019-D, all of which were selected as a study sample. For data collection, the survey was considered based on two types of instruments: an objective test of 28 questions with four answer options to evaluate knowledge, notions and skills in topics related to statistics and a scale of Attitudes towards Statistics of 25 Likert-type items introduced by Estrada (2002) with five response options. Both instruments were validated using the expert judgment technique and their reliability was determined through the internal consistency coefficients Kuder-Richardson and Cronbach's Alpha, obtaining the following values: 0.81 and 0.82, respectively. Among the most outstanding results, it stands out that 63% of the students studied statistics in undergraduate studies, but only 42.9% during postgraduate studies; likewise, 51.4% are unaware of the term statistical literacy. Regarding statistical knowledge, it can be said that in general terms they present some weaknesses that could be overcome through statistical literacy strategies. However, students show an accepting attitude towards statistics, but have the belief that it is difficult because it prevents them from solving statistical problems.



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