Project-based learning and its relationship with motivation and learning of mathematics

Aprendizaje basado en proyectos y su relación con la motivación y aprendizaje de las matemáticas

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Suyis Yajaira Lozano-García

In the reality that the world lives in times of pandemic, education has faced strong changes in the way content is approached, hence the need to address issues that for some are as complex as those associated with mathematics in a way where the student had an active participation, this is how this proposal focused on incidence of project-based learning for the development of mathematical competencies in secondary education. It is developed under a quantitative approach, with correlational scope and pre-experimental design, the project called "The Da Vinci Code" was based on, in this project, processes, methods and mathematical attitudes associated with quality standards for the tenth grade are articulated strengthening the development of skills while allowing the incorporation of digital resources and technological means to solve problems and do mathematical modeling. According to the results, it can be affirmed that project-based learning as a work methodology allows the development of research competencies, increasing motivation and improving some higher-order skills that allow them to get closer and closer to the domain of scientific methods.



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