Confiabilidad estadística para un test de intereses y actitudes vocacionales para estudiantes de educación media.

Confiabilidad estadística para un test de intereses y actitudes vocacionales para estudiantes de educación media.

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Jesús Yamid Redondo-Remolina

The interest of this research lies in identifying career interests and aptitudes of the students of School College Mariano Ospina Rodriguez, through the implementation and analysis of each of the matrices for the test chaside. In addition, the reliability of the instrument was checked by the index of internal consistency, Cronbach’s alpha. The found reliability was adequate (α > 0.80), for scales C (Financial and Administrative Sciences), H (Humanities and Social Sciences), I (engineering and computer science) and D (defense and security Sciences). In conclusion, the instrument has a comprehensive average concordance of 82% as an integral test, based on the correlation between the matrices of interests and aptitudes.



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Author Biography (SEE)

Jesús Yamid Redondo-Remolina, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander

Licenciado en Biologia y Quimica, especialista en orientacion vocacional y ocupacional Facultad de Educacion Artes y Humanidades

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