Problems of written production in Spanish from a second language and its impact on learning in mathematics

Problemas de producción escrita en el español a partir de una segunda lengua y su impacto en el aprendizaje en las matemáticas

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Yeison Alberto Rodríguez-Peña
Gloria Jeanette Rincón-Aponte
Javier Mauricio García-Mogollón

Second language learning has a significant impact on written production in the mother tongue, especially in students who are in the process of acquiring competencies in another language. This study focuses on the identification and analysis of writing and spelling problems in Spanish faced by foreign language learners, and how these problems affect their performance in learning mathematics. The ability to produce coherent and correct speech in the native language is essential for understanding and solving mathematical problems. Spelling and writing skills not only facilitate effective communication, but are also fundamental to accurate understanding of mathematical problems. Without a solid foundation in spelling and writing rules, the interpretation of mathematical problems can be confusing, making resolution difficult and negatively affecting academic performance. The main objective of this research was to carry out a series of activities, including participatory class observation, writing and comparison of writings, to identify the specific problems faced by students in writing texts in Spanish as their mathematical analysis. The methodology employed in this study combines several strategies to improve students' argumentation and textual production. The expected results of this research include a deeper understanding of how second language learning influences written production in Spanish and how these writing problems affect mathematics learning. The comparison between the two universities will allow for the identification of differences and similarities in writing problems, providing a basis for the development of effective pedagogical interventions. In conclusion, this study seeks not only to identify writing and spelling problems in foreign language students.



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