A new look at our territorial ordering through the regulation of Territorial Associative Schemes

Una nueva mirada de nuestro ordenamiento territorial a través de la reglamentación de los Esquemas Asociativos Territoriales

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Beatriz Eugenia Pacheco Arevalo
The territorial ordering in Colombia has marked one of the most relevant points at the time of making transcendental decisions such as the issuance of the new constituent or the different agreements and commercial treaties or for the termination of the internal armed conflict. In this sense, knowing the current regulations of the Territorial Associative Schemes and the participation that these have because of the issuance of the agreements for a stable and lasting peace will allow us to understand our current model and its challenges. Through this article, the importance of associative schemes is shown, their appearance in our territorial ordering, the relevance they have for the current moment and the challenges that associative schemes face with their new territorial role.

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