Assessment of noise pollution in areas surrounding sensitive environments in the city of Bogotá and its relationship with land use

Evaluación de la contaminación acústica en zonas aledañas a entornos sensibles en la ciudad de Bogotá y su relación con el uso del suelo

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Juan David Ceballos-Cogollo

This research presents the results of environmental noise assessment around medical centers located in the towns of Ciudad Bolívar and Tunjuelito - Bogotá. The measurement process was carried out guided by the parameters given in the ISO 1996:1 standard and the Res. 627/2006 of the Colombian Ministry of the Environment. Georeferencing and characterization of the terrain was carried out, identification of main sources of noise, attenuation areas, meteorological conditions were measured, and traffic flow was determined, to finally establish the areas of greatest impact using noise maps designed with SoundPlan software. The activities carried out made it possible to establish that the environmental noise levels in the surroundings of the two hospitals, on the different days and hours of measurement, exceed the maximum permissible limits for quiet and quiet areas (55 dB(A)). The main sources of noise found were high traffic flow, and formal and informal commercial activities that take place in nearby areas and that, according to SoundPlan modeling, impact the entire area around medical centers up to a distance of 300 meters away round. Acoustic problems were identified and principally are due to inappropriate development and growth in the zonal planning units of the localities where the hospitals are located, for which mitigation actions are proposed focused on the correct management of land use, and urban planification.



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