The importance of cocoa exports in Colombia and countries in Latin America

La importancia de la exportación del cacao en Colombia y los países en América Latina

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Rodrigo Alberto Cruz Chaustre
Pablo César Cañas Castillo

Cocoa has been a product that in recent years has been positioning itself in the international market by importing countries with their new trends in demand and at the same time producers like Ecuador that internally has improved its production not only in hectares, but has technified the seed making it stronger to climate changes, pests and diseases that cause negative delays in its production. Internationally, there are major competitors such as some African countries (Nigeria and Ghana), as well as Mexico, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Colombia and Brazil. The objective of this article was to describe the production of cocoa as an export product in producing countries such as Peru, Ecuador and some African countries and Colombia. As for the methodology used, several sources of information such as virtual libraries, repositories and bibliographic databases were consulted, prioritizing academic articles on cocoa production.



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