Providing care to a person with traumatic brain injury, the experience from the students’ standpoint

Cuidar a una persona con trauma craneoencefálico, la experiencia desde los estudiantes

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Introduction: Globally, injury or physical trauma are a public health problem, leaving physical, emotional and psychological consequences. The role of the nursing professional is fundamental to reduce the complications and offer a comprehensive care, ensuring quality health care. The care experiences from the students are useful, leaving significant lessons, not only with a scientific end, but also to determine the sensibility and responsibility towards the patient. The objective of this research was to describe the experience of the nursing students toward the care provided to hospitalized patients with traumatic brain injury. Materials and method: Qualitative research of phenomenological approach. The sampling was made by convenience, pertinence, adequation, opportunity and availability. Instruments such as in-depth interviews and a field diary were used. Results: The following categories were identified: “I face reality”, “Comprehensive care, is what they always have taught me”, “My relationship with the other”, “Teaching my patient and their family”, and “Family, a fundamental pillar”. Conclusions: The experience shown by the students generated unforeseen expectations, but the necessary knowledge was applied to provide better individualized care. Each participant had sensibility, which allowed them to consider the position of the other person, understanding impotence, frustration and loss of control. The Nursing Care process is a scheme that is necessary to provide comprehensive care to the patient.



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Author Biographies (SEE)

Emilce Salamanca Ramos, Universidad de los Llanos. Villavicencio, Meta

Magister en Enfermería. Candidata Doctorado en Ciencias Sociales, Niñez y Juventud. Docente Universidad de los Llanos, Grupo de investigación GESI. Correo: Orcid: Villavicencio, Colombia.

Amalia Priscila Peña Pita, Universidad de los Llanos

Enfermera. Magister en Educación. Magister en enfermería. Docente Universidad de los Llanos, Grupo de investigación GESI. Correo: Orcid: Villavicencio, Colombia.

Mery Luz Valderrama Sanabria, Universidad de los Llanos

Enfermera. Magister en Enfermería. Especialista en Cuidado Crítico Pediátrico. Doctoranda en Educación. Docente Universidad de los Llanos, Grupo de Investigación de Cuidado. Villavicencio.
Correo: Orcid: Villavicencio, Colombia.


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