Focus and scope

The Journal Ciencia y Cuidado is an international scientific publication, created in 2004, published quarterly, that disseminates original and innovative papers product of research processes, as well as reflection and review in the Health Sciences area in the discipline of nursing related to: theoretical development, health promotion and disease prevention, evidence-based practice and nursing care to people in specific health conditions at any stage of the course of life, with the purpose of making them known to the scientific and research community of educational and health institutions; with the purpose of introducing them to the scientific and research community of educational and health institutions.

Its content is directed to professionals, researchers and students of the different health areas, at the local, regional, national, and international level. University communities, users of libraries where copies are sent in exchange and users interested in the published works.

Case reports and letters to the editor are not accepted. Papers submitted to the journal may be submitted in Spanish, English or Portuguese for subsequent peer review -a double-blind method-, after complying with ethical standards, without any cost for processing.

This journal adheres to the recommendations of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) about best ethical practices in publication.


Publishing entity: Francisco de Paula Santander University.

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