¿What is new in calciphylaxis?

¿Qué hay de nuevo en calcifilaxia?

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Juan Carlos Restrepo-Medrano
Sherezada Suaza-Velásquez

Objective: To analyze the scientific literature published in the main databases between 1962 and 2016, whose objective was to address the issue of calciphylaxis and its main characteristics? Methodology: A literature review was carried out in the main databases of the Health Sciences and Social Sciences (medline-pubmed, cinhal, web of science, lilacs, sociological abstracts, cuiden, embase, psycoinfo and isi web of knowledge). An analytical review of the selected articles was made using a protocol to extract the data. Results: 45 articles were found that fulfilled the established search criteria, 35 reported the results of clinical trials or qualitative studies, 4 corresponded to systematic reviews and 6 were classified as retrospective studies. The authors pointed out the main characteristics of the disease, the patients and the most used treatments, but little of the care that should be provided by the nurse practitioner. Conclusion: In the analyzed studies, aspects regarding the course of the disease and treatment were identified; it was reported the effectiveness of some treatments used in the care of these patients, but none of them definitive, which allows to propose some actions from the nurse discipline.



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Author Biography (SEE)

Juan Carlos Restrepo-Medrano, Universidad de Antioquia

Enfermero. Doctor en Salud Pública

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