Cardiovascular disease: beliefs and practices in the adherence to the treatment

Enfermedad cardiovascular: creencias y prácticas en la adherencia al tratamiento

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Olga Patricia Melo Barbosa

Introduction: Cardiovascular diseases represent, globally, a public health problem of important dimensions after infectious diseases; for the morbimortality of these diseases to decrease, its necessary that the patients adhere to the treatments. Within the factors of non-adherence are the beliefs regarding the disease or its treatment, which generally are influenced by the social and cultural environment.  Methodology: A review of the literature was performed in the data bases EBCO HOST, PUB-MET, DIAL-NET, Wolters Kluwer Ovid, LILACS, SCIELO, ScienceDirect Medline and Pubmed. The articles were selected considering the date of publication from January 1990 to December 2016, with the following search terms: beliefs in blood pressure, cardiovascular disease beliefs, beliefs and practices of cardiovascular health, beliefs about cardiovascular disease, adherence to treatment of cardiovascular disease, beliefs in cardiovascular disease. From the articles selected, 330 were chosen by its title, 129 were excluded because the title is not relevant for the objective of this review, and 51 were recovered for critical review. Results: It was found that the patients have many and diverse beliefs regarding the disease and its treatment; reason why patients use alternative practices for the treatment of the disease, these go from acupuncture, herbal infusions, home recipes to shamanism. Conclusions: The nurse is required to identify non-adherent patients, and to research about the beliefs and practices to design more effective and efficient interventions considering transcultural care.

Keywords: Transcultural care, beliefs, cardiovascular diseases, adherence.



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Author Biography (SEE)

Olga Patricia Melo Barbosa, Universidad Manuela Beltrán y Universidad Antonio Nariño

Enfermera Epidemióloga, M.Sc en Educación, Candidata a Ph.D en Ciencias Sociales y Humanas.

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