Relationship between the nursing personnel and expecting mothers during labor

Relación entre el personal de enfermería y las gestantes durante el trabajo de parto

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Claudia Patricia Henao Lopez
Sandra Patrícia Osorio Galeano
Diego Alejandro Salazar Blandón

Objective: Describe the relationship between the nursing personnel and the expecting mothers during labor, from the perspective of women. Methods: Descriptive and cross-sectional study. From the total expecting mothers, 92,4% were included during labor and were attended in a healthcare institution in the city of Medellin between the months or June and July, 2017. A type ad hoc questionnaire was applied, designed in light of the phases of the interpersonal relationship between the nurse and patient, described by Hildegard Peplau, which was subject to a pilot experiment and concept of five experts. Chi-squared tests were applied and a model or logistic regression was built. Results: 540 women participated with an average age of 25,6 years (SD 6,0). 91,9% rate as positive their relationship with the nurse. It was found that the older the expecting mother is, the better the communication with the nursing personnel (X2 = 15,9 p= 0,003) and also that mothers with previous births had a better experience of care (X2 = 4,28 p= 0,038). The logistic regression showed (90% reliability) that a positive relationship with the nursing personnel during birth is related to: age (OR=0,9, IC = 0,867 – 0,989), clarifying questions about giving birth (OR=18,0, IC = 6,641 – 48,938), avoid coldness (OR=6,1, IC =2,347 – 16,3) and help the mother to be calm (OR=4,1, IC = 1,45 – 11,714). Conclusion: During the care for the birth of the expecting mother, it is important to clarify questions, provide comfort measures and generate strategies to calm the mother, as well as to establish a positive interpersonal relationship during the birth experience



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Author Biographies (SEE)

Claudia Patricia Henao Lopez, Universidad de Antioquia. Medellín, Colombia

Enfermera, Magíster en Enfermería. Docente Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Medellín, Colombia. mail:  Orcid:

Sandra Patrícia Osorio Galeano, Universidad de Antioquia. Medellín, Colombia

Enfermera, especialista en enfermería neonatal, Magíster en epidemiologia. Docente facultad de Enfermería Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia. mail: Orcid:

Diego Alejandro Salazar Blandón, Universidad de Antioquia. Medellín, Colombia

Matemático, Magíster en Ciencias Estadística. Docente Facultad de Enfermería.  Universidad de Antioquia. Medellín, Colombia. email: Orcid:


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