The caregiver, rejection and loss of kidney transplantation in children and adolescents

El cuidador, el rechazo y la pérdida del trasplante renal en niños y adolescentes

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Luz Viviana Restrepo-Marulanda
Ángela María Salazar-Maya

Objective: to interpret the categories: caregiver; "Rejection" and "Loss of transplant", from the Pediatric Patient with Kidney Transplant Study, from the caregiver's perspective. Materials and methods: descriptive, exploratory, qualitative research; Semi-structured interviews were carried out with 14 caregivers. For the analysis the tools of the grounded theory were used. through open, axial and selective coding. Results: the majority of the family caregivers were their mothers, over 30 years of age. The category of caregiver is made up of subcategories: conformation of the family group and recognizing the caregiver. The category Rejection and transplant loss is made up of the subcategories presenting rejection and looking for the causes of rejection, managing the complications and feelings that rejection generates. Although it is true that there are people involved in care, specifically family members, it is also true that there must be a caregiver who is always in charge of the child. For this reason, the caregiver is the person who knows the whole process, is the support, the axis, everything depends on him, who must always be there, even if the child grows up. The transplant rejection and loss see it as a complication of the process and describe its possible causes, how they are handled and the feelings it generates. Conclusion. Much of the success of the transplant is attributed to the caregiver, since it is he who permanently cares for the child and who guides the care, since the condition of being children gives them full dependence on the family caregiver


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Author Biographies (SEE)

Luz Viviana Restrepo-Marulanda, Hospital San Vicente Fundación

Enfermera. Magister en Enfermería de la Universidad de Antioquia. Enfermera Hospital San Vicente Fundación. Correo: Orcid:

Ángela María Salazar-Maya, Universidad de Antioquia

Enfermera. Doctora en Enfermería, profesora titular de la Facultad de Enfermería de la Universidad de Antioquia y profesora de cátedra de la Universidad CES. Correo: Orcid:


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