Quality of care and accreditation in haemodialysis centres

Calidad del cuidado y acreditación en centros de hemodiálisis

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Veronica Guerra-Guerrero

Chronic end-stage renal disease is currently considered a public health problem worldwide, due to its prevalence and growing incidence in the population, its relative importance in the country's disease burden, its chronic or permanent behaviour and the high technical complexity required for its management (1), in which nursing plays a fundamental role in the care received by the population with this condition. Therefore, the high technical complexity involved in its treatment is a constant challenge for the care provided, particularly to haemodialysis users. The disease and treatment generate a high socio-economic impact, which also limits or puts at risk the life and quality of life of the people who suffer from it, as well as affecting the direct context that surrounds them, such as their family (2).


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Author Biography (SEE)

Veronica Guerra-Guerrero, Universidad Católica del Maule

Licenciada en Enfermería, Doctora en Enfermería, académico Departamento de Enfermería Universidad
Católica del Maule, Director Escuela de Enfermería Universidad Católica del Maule. Correo electrónico:
vguerra@ucm.cl vtgg7@hotmail.com Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4517-6678 Ciudad de Talca.


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